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Within the wide range of products for your works and installations where you need diffusion products, at BRINNER we offer a wide range in all types of return and impulse gratings, grids for circular ducts, adjustable multi-nozzles and diffusers of evaporative equipment capable of satisfying the most demanding needs of any project.

We have ample stock in all types of return and impulse grids, finished in anodized natural color or lacquered in white, available in a wide range of dimensions (from 100×200 to 400×1000 mm) as well as loose beams to form the pre-frame necessary for your installation. The types of grids that we offer are:

  • GRIDS IHV + O MODEL: Double deflection impulse grilles with flow regulation.
  • RH MODEL GRIDS: Horizontal slat return grilles fixed inclined at 45°.

In cases where you need to install a grid for circular duct, be it single or double deflection or even with SGRDA regulation, in BRINNER we offer you a wide range of possible dimensions for ducts of circular sheet up to 1400 mm in diameter.

We can also offer adjustable multi-nozzles in pieces of 5 or 10 nozzles for different diameters of sheet metal ducts (150 to 250 mm or 300 to 600 mm).

In BRINNER we offer a wide range of diffusers for evaporative equipment made of galvanized steel or stainless steel AIS-304, with several possibilities and combinations depending on the number of grids you need (2, 4 or 6) and type of duct mouth sheet metal (be circular 600 mm diameter or rectangular 550×550 mm).